The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114451   Message #2442070
Posted By: wysiwyg
16-Sep-08 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Accountability in September -keep going!
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability in September -keep going!
Here I thought I was enjoying a regressive day(s) off from workouts, only to find that after a memorial service last night I'd planned to attend, Hardi would have a meeting.... so I had to go to the pool for 30 minutes of BackHab and 45 of Ai Chi!

When I came home Faulkner gave me ten minutes of strength training. Oh yeah-- Hardi was Nordic-Track skiiing and F didn't want to stay on the treadmill, so I held him next to Hardi (Lord God to F) to get F used to the track noises. Gentling him down. He wanted to be there, but his stay/go instincts were in conflict. He used to ski with Hardi but flunked out, so this is the next best thing. No poles (scary sticks!), so we hope eventually he'll volunteer to treadmill alongside as Hardi skis.

Dogs can't post their own stats here. :~) I know a CAT could.... but I'm rambling.
