The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114397   Message #2442285
Posted By: PoppaGator
16-Sep-08 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Political Fallout At House Concert
Subject: RE: Political Fallout At House Concert
"My reaction would be to dislike the performer for lecturing me."

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't believe the performers were taken to task for "lecturing," but rather for the lyrical content of their songs. Tough luck if someone didn't like it.


SINS: thanks for the lyrics and composer/recording-artists names for "Lee Harvey..."; however, I didn't recognize either "Bennison/Cotton" or "T.Texas Edwards and the Sickoids."

Upoon further consideration, I realized that I had heard this amusing number from another wacky group of Texans, the Asylum Street Spankers.

I wonder how those two old birds would have reacted to a Spankers show. If the political stuff didn't chase them home first, I'm sure they would be absolutely horrified by Christina Mars' rendition of "Shave 'Em Dry."