The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114334   Message #2442607
Posted By: Rowan
16-Sep-08 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fish
Subject: RE: BS: Fish
"carp are not top drawer, they are bottom feeders..."

Ah! Enlightenment!!! Politicians === Carp...

In the 1890s there was a standoff between the Victorian National Museum (all the colonies - as they then were - described their institutions as "National") and the Govt over the Parliament's unwillingness to fund the museum's research to a standard acceptable to the various curators. At the time, the researchers were in the process of describing and publishing all the "new" (to western science) species of freshwater fish. A common practice was (and still is) to use a patron's name as the specific epithet (the "species" part of Genus - species binomial) for a newly-described species. Many new species had already been so named after these politicians.

Because the scientists mostly came from Britain and parts of Europe where biota also had "common" names it was also (at that time) common for such scientists to assign a "common" name to a new species. [The fact that Aborigines might already have assigned and were using such names was routinely, if not universally, ignored.] So these scientists gave unpleasant common names (like "spotted bottom feeder") to those species they had just named after the pollies and sent their manuscripts off for publication in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria.

When the pollies found out, after publication in colony's major scientific journal, the govt. censored the relevant issue, which is now relatively rare.

Cheers, Rowan