The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114493   Message #2443503
Posted By: Donuel
17-Sep-08 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dealing with Subpoenas--the Repub Way
Subject: RE: BS: Dealing with Subpoenas--the Repub Way
Rachel Maddow did a great piece on this Palin investigation and the people they sent up there last July to deal with it.

The guy McCain got to spear head the cover up was a heavyweight in the anti terrorism Homeland Security Office. (which means little when you think of atta boy Brownie) but he is a lawyer.

This is what they have done:

They filed a motion that the State Legislature can not oversee this investigation and that it should go to the State Disciplinary Board in which Gov Palin is the Chairperson.

Then (THIS IS RICH) they filed a motion with the disciplinary board to investigate... (GET THIS) and then waited a couple weeks and filed a second motion for the Disciplinary Board to not review the Palin case and dismiss the whole thing.

POOF the snake swallowed its tail