The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114508   Message #2443901
Posted By: wysiwyg
18-Sep-08 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ice Hockey 2008-09
Subject: BS: Ice Hockey 2008-09
Well, I can't be the only one waiting for the new season to start. Somehow I know, even though our Pens lost several of our favorite players, I'll soon be totally re-addicted, again. With a DVR this year to smooth out the schedule conflicts, I may actually stop watching all the great IFC movies! A new summer addiction coming to a hiatus.

Some of you may recall our annual plan to rearrange the LR furniture-- away from the drafty windows, closer to the heat registers, and (purely by happenstance) closer to the TV. The need for heat just happens to coincide with the hockey-season weather.... This year it also coincides with the annual arrival of Hardi's mom to visit our parish's Antique Show; the summer LR configuration is nicer for guests, but the minute she leaves-- or maybe she can help me do it before she leaves!!!-- it's hockey configuration! :~)

So I'm wondering-- what do y'alls think of your hockey team(s) for the year, and what's about to change in your lifestyle as the season opens? What leagues/levels do you watch, and what games can you attend in person (be still my beating heart)?

Did Peace ever get home TV coverage, or what will he do? How will Texas Guest fare (he has a membername now)? Which new Mudcatter will not realize how fun and mutually encouraging the hockey threads, here, can be, and temporarily (it is hoped) adopt a trash-talk posting style as if this is any other hockey MB?

(BTW, isn't it kinda funny that the nicest Mudcat threads are the hockey threads?)

And who will vie for the Cup?

Feel free to link-in past threads..... where whose team(s) are which(es) (and where my choice to call it "Ice" Hockey) are all discussed sufficently.

Thinking of you,
