The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2444444
Posted By: mandotim
18-Sep-08 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
I didn't ignore your answer; but you still haven't answered my question. You offered an answer to an entirely different question, about global capitalism; I asked a question about cultural separation. I'm sure your University tutors advised you to read questions carefully WAV; perhaps you should go back and read my question again before spouting more rubbish. Take this as formative feedback.
Try again, but while you're thinking about it, here's another one; what physiological, neurological or anatomical evidence do you have for your incredibly patronising view that women should not play tennis because it places too much strain on the racket arm? You've offered an opinion, but fail to substantiate it with either evidence or case histories. Can you prove that women are more prone to arm strain than men from playing tennis? If not, we can put your opinion in the box marked 'patronising sexist crap'.
You play tennis, don't you? Judging by your photos, you're a bit of a weed. I bet either of the Williams sisters could break you in half without breaking sweat. (There's a few people around here would give good money to see that!). Given that they are undoubtedly much stronger than you, and they are female, (and therefore not strong enough to play) your logic suggests that you should give up tennis immediately to protect your raquet arm from further strain and damage. Logical sequences are a bugger, aren't they WAV?

I remain in vain hope of an intelligent reply