The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114493   Message #2444495
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
18-Sep-08 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dealing with Subpoenas--the Repub Way
Subject: RE: BS: Dealing with Subpoenas--the Repub Way
On the news just now they said that Palin's husband was going to ignore a subpoena issued to him in one of these investigations.

And did you notice, McCain is now claiming that were he president now he would fire the head of the Security and Exchange Commission. Like he can scape goat this guy for the cascade of banks and other financial institutions that began in the Reagan administration (remember the Savings and Loan crisis?) and that Bush finished (everything else). All of this money didn't go away--it vanished into the pockets and off-shore accounts of everyone from the mortgage brokers (got one in the family--business down the toilet) and compilers of mortgages into securities to sell, and to those who bought those lighter-than-air (no substance) securities, etc. A lot of folks got rich, and now the taxpayer is asked to replace the cash, not the folks who are responsible for skimming it off in the first place.

I now thoroughly understand why the old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times" is a curse. And a really nasty one, at that.