The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114518   Message #2444673
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
18-Sep-08 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: Gordon Bok in Seattle, Portland, USA etc
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok in Seattle, Portland, USA etc
I have fond memories of a musical evening when I was going to school at Western Washington University, back in the late 1970s. Dad and a friend or two (Jean? Susi? I think) drove up and my roommate and I joined them for a concert Gordon was doing on campus. As I recall Dad wasn't feeling good so his party drove back home instead of meeting Flip (now Breslin, was Auer) over at Fairhaven for some apres-concert music with him. My roommate was so blow away that I had such "connections!" ;-D