The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2444964
Posted By: mandotim
19-Sep-08 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Still waiting for an answer WAV; if you can draw yourself away from watching Austrians failing to practise their 'own good culture' on the TV for a while, please re-read my question about cultural separation and the effect of your ideas on international sport.

With respect to my second question, I didn't say that the Williams sisters would beat you at tennis; I said they were stronger than you; your argument seems to be that no women are strong enough to play tennis without too much strain on the racquet arm; by that logic, you are therefore not strong enough to play tennis, as you are not as strong as a specific woman. The usual argument about logical fallacy does not hold here, as you failed to distinguish between the general and the specific when referring to women playing tennis. You still haven't produced any evidence to support this assertion, merely listed some injuries suffered by both men and women from playing tennis. The salient point here is whether there is a difference in seriousness or frequency of strain injuries in tennis according to gender, and this has not been demonstrated by you. Can you point me to a randomised, controlled trial (peer reviewed of course)where this has been shown to be the case?

With reference to your hypothetical female employee lifting 25kg; this has nothing to do with the question; you raised the specific question of women playing tennis, and I am challenging you to substantiate what many people feel to be a false and offensive statement. So far, you have not done so.

Go away and do your homework, please. Better still, just go away.