The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22544   Message #244685
Posted By: BlueJay
19-Jun-00 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: YEE HAA !!!! TWINS !!!! What now??
Subject: RE: YEE HAA !!!! TWINS !!!! What now??
Congratulations. Congratulations. We had ours one at a time, but twins would have worked, as well. I am about your age, and my youngest is now four. I don't think it'd make a whole lot of difference if she were born today. Others, such as kat/katlaughing, have better advice regarding actual twins. I have no experience with twins, only babies in general. You've got your work cut out for you, that's for sure. Also a tremendous aamount of fun. I don't know if you have other children, but I think one reason people keep having kids is that they hate to see them grow up. Our youngest is four. Of course with each passing year comes new delights, challenges, yada yada yada. But there's just something about the wee ones. I wish we could freeze-frame her, and keep her four years old forever. In an abstract way, of course. In a few short months, my friend, you will be telling usthe uninitiated, what it is like to live with twin babies. Then year-olds. Then two year olds. I am very much looking forward to it.
MBO is most insightful. George Winston is a good musical choice. But I will say again, Kate Wolf tapes always calmed my fussy, premature grandson. Every single time. Just something about that lady's voice and melodies always soothed him. Maybe personal chemistry. Maybe she would not work for other kids, but it's worth a try. Buy a couple of Kate Wolf tapes, and Winston, too as MBO suggests. You're bound to end up with two or three tape players anyway. Start out with the good stuff. Barney will come later, trust me. BlueJay