The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2447493
Posted By: mandotim
22-Sep-08 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Ok, WAV; do you or do you not believe that each country should practise its own native culture and exclude cultures from elsewhere? If you do, that means that it is not desirable for one culture to learn from another (as this would pollute their 'own good culture'), Much of human and societal development has occurred through the cross-fertilisation of cultures; the Renaissance springs to mind. Your proposed system of cultural apartheid would prevent this, and therefore the process of development would be disadvantaged.

Human beings are social and inquisitive creatures WAV (you could be too, if you got out more), and trying to place artificial boundaries on their interactions and what they learn and absorb from those interactions is tantamount to fascism, and certainly would need the worst kind of totalitarianism to make it stick.

My reasons for teasing you about various things was to try to get you to engage in dialogue, and stop simply repeating the same mantras with no sign of having learned anything. You are still trying to defend your various positions by repeating the same forms of words you use on your (by now) utterly discredited websites.

Intelligent people can be characterised by their ability to enquire, learn and adapt, and to make rational judgements on the evidence before them in particular situations. This list is full of highly intelligent, rational, skilled and generous people (I exclude myself from all of those epithets, by the way; I am a neophyte in comparison to many of the Titans here). Many of them have tried to engage with you; Eliza Carthy talking to you about folk music springs to mind. They have disproved your assertions beyond any reasonable doubt over and over again, and you still continue to 'chant' the same tired old slogans. Almost without exception, you have simply dismissed or ignored their contributions, preferring to repeat your reactionary, racist, xenophobic and sexist tosh.
That forces me to one conclusion, WAV; it's a waste of my time, and everyone else's time trying to engage with you; you are not able (despite your smattering of education) to engage in civilised dialogue.
This is my last comment on any of your threads; These arguments are now making me angry, and you and your views are not worth my anger. I wish you well for the rest of your life, sad and lonely though it currently is. I hope you find happiness and fullfilment in some shape or form. If you ever do have the moral courage to stand for election to test your views against what the English public truly believe, I will gladly come to wherever you are standing and campaign implacably against you and all you stand for.
PS I don't want a reply. Even if you do, I won't be reading it.