The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113970   Message #2448095
Posted By: GUEST
23-Sep-08 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: Running a session, advice please
Subject: RE: Running a session, advice please
Here's my five penneth! I used to be over-run with musicians who just fancied a music session, 'hey lets all go to Liz's house!' when it got a bit too big and cost me too much in beer and nibbles we shifted to a local pub, that was 2 years ago, originally called it 'guitar strum and sing,' Pete Massey (Broadside)re-named it albeit Christmas 'the pluck, struck, wail and wassail' for us, but we are still at it, first Sunday in the month, some sessions there are so many people we fill two rooms, sometimes just a half dozen of us strum our favourite tunes or practice new ones, I do invite guests, well actually they invite themselves and no I don't get paid for doing it but I do take a real pleasure in seeing people who come in with a dusty instrument who haven't played for years rattle off a tune or two or guests who are quite famous really who just want a night with friends in an informal setting, and quite often a mix of both, we really don't mind who comes to join us and I always say to people, 'just come and enjoy an evening of music with friends and a few beers,' (I hate beer!) and no 'performances'! And that's how the Kings Lock Folk Club was born and is still going strong, so look forward to seeing you first Sunday in the month, Kings Lock, Middlewich. Keep an eye on my website for details! Liz's Website