The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19980   Message #244820
Posted By: MudGuard
20-Jun-00 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: HTML practice thread
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
regarding your 1:02PM post:
<B/Bold><BR> <I/Italics><BR> <U/Unterline><BR> <BIU/Bold Italics, underlined>
The only html tags in that line of yours are the <BR>.
For bold text, enclose the text in <b>your bold text</b>
For italic text, enclose the text in <i>your italic text</i>
For underlined text, enclose the text in <u>your underlined text</u>

You can combine these, for example <b><i>your bold italic text</i></b>

If you wonder why the tags show in my example, i put them in twice. Once normal to get the effect, and once with the < and > replaced by &lt; and &gt;.
