The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13671   Message #2448499
Posted By: Steve Gardham
23-Sep-08 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Nottamun Town
Subject: RE: Origins: Nottamun Town
Having looked closely at the broadside 'Paddy's Ramble' and about a dozen versions of Nottamun Town, all they have in common is a stanza and a half (excepting Frank Purslow's collated version in The Foggy Dew). My considered opinion is that the Pitts broadside has taken these stanzas from an oral version of 'Nottamun Town' which is earlier, at least 18thc. The main clincher is 'Nottamun Town' is just a collection of nonsense without much of a story whereas in 'Paddy's Ramble' the plot is quite strong, being about his amorous wanderings in England in search of a rich wife and the verses interpolated from NT are quite extraneous to this plot. The style of nonsense in each song is the same which is possibly why they have become crossed. The only record therefore I have of any oral tradition of 'Paddy's Ramble' is the fragments cobbled together by Frank Purslow. Malcolm, we need to go back to the mss again on this one. I fear Frank's been up to his old tricks again!