The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114653   Message #2449289
Posted By: tradpiper
24-Sep-08 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: Traditional singers altering songs?
Subject: RE: Traditional singers altering songs?
I reckon thats got to be it folks. My eternal thanks to you for helping me out there.... Ahh the wonders of the internet! Right, now you've done your good turn for the day, let us return to the question in hand. My apologies for highjacking the discussion for a moment... it was a spontaneous thing.

But when you say traditional, how do you define tradition? for example if its 50yrs old, then it could easily be in its third generation of being passed down. I heard it sung round the fire by a travelling man with the wagons and mares around us.
Ive heard the name, Ewan Macoll, and have just read up on his works. Impressive. I will buy this album, sure if only to get this song. thanks again....