The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114739   Message #2450452
Posted By: Janie
25-Sep-08 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Drunk farts-Cop Charges Him w/Battery
Subject: BS: Drunk farts-Cop Charges Him w/Battery
Mom e-mailed me with this story today, which she says the local news is having great fun with. A South Charleston cop pulled over a drunk driver and took him into the station for booking. While being fingerprinted, the guy moved over real close to the cop and let rip a prize winner. The police man added Battery to an Officer to the DUI charge!

My Dad's comment was this, "It's the police officer's fault. He was pulling the guy's finger."

More here.   The video is worth watching. (The good people of WV have a bit more sense than does one law officer.)