The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22566   Message #245054
Posted By: katlaughing
20-Jun-00 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: So Where IS Your Computer???
Subject: RE: So Where IS Your Computer???
Oh, Spaw, good idea...though, it was Bill was so curious as soon as he came into my house, "Show me your computer, please, where do you sit to Mudcat" or something like that. I thought after that, it would be neat if we all sent a picture in of ourselves *at the helm*...make it easier for us to envision each other.

Our house is a ranch with full basement. Walk right into the living room, with the doorway to the downstairs across the room. Take a few steps forward, turn left and go down the hall to the first door on the right, which is a small bedroom with one wall covered in baby wallpaper, obviously used as a nursery once.

On the wall to your left is an old wooden typewriter stand with the hard drive balanced across the lower bar, the scanner on the top of it, then one of those black, modern racks perched on its spindly legs, holding the cassette dubber with the mixer on top of it. Next to all of that is an old library table with a bridge-type shelf which rests on top of it that Rog made for me, which has the printer and several reference ring binders on it. On the table is the monitor and various papes, pens, etc. It is always in disarray and there are folded up baby blankets on either side of it for cats-napping, as well as a cat on top of the monitor most of the time.

The rest of the room is filled with two small bookshelves, overflowing, another, older library table piled high with jewelry-making paraphernalia and more books. The windows, which are opposite of the computer command center, have one of those tower cat condos, then two tall lamp tables which have cat baskets on them, with more baby *blankees* to soften the little darlings' napping.

The door is always open and has my drum hanging on it; the baritone uke which I need to practise sits next to it and the violin, which I treasure, sits safely up on the jewelry table to avoid mishaps between the cats and the dog who is always right behind my chair and thus gets startled mightily if he isn't paying attention when I back up my regular old padded office chair to get up and start the blood flowing again.

Oh, the 'puter? It's an HP "Pavillion", 2 years old.
