The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37563   Message #2450616
Posted By: CapriUni
26-Sep-08 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly
Recently, on my journal, I asked friends for some 100-word story prompts in the form of a name, a verb and an object.

These two are my favorites of the ones that emerged:

(Andy, Hug, Button)

Andy stood in the parlor, as tidy as Nanna left it, but for five years of dust, and winter's accumulated chill.

Something green on the table drew him. He picked it up: a button from his overalls when he was... Two?

Then, he saw the needle with green thread... and something in the knitting bag.

He carefully pulled it out.

A teddy bear, with "C" on its chest, and one blue button eye.

Five years ago, Christina had outgrown teddy bears, especially homemade and funky.

Now? Maybe...

Sitting down, Andy finished her work.

He smiled, and hugged it for Nanna.

Charlie, eats, Chicago)

Charlie paused in his foyer. Something was different. He straightened his tie -- nervous tick.

There was a clang from the kitchen.

Charlie hurried toward it, and stopped in the doorway. "Sam?!"

Sam turned, grinning. "Your father kept his spare key in the flowerpot, too – so alike."

Thirty years. Sam had hardly changed. "Still like spagghetti?" he asked.


Sam pulled a wallet photo from his pocket, dropped it on the table: Sam and Dad by a highway sign: "Chicago 237 mi."

"Found that," he said, turning back toward the pot. "It has a story and the story needs a meal."