The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114653   Message #2450657
Posted By: tradpiper
26-Sep-08 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: Traditional singers altering songs?
Subject: RE: Traditional singers altering songs?
True Captain. However I learnt it from a traveller round the camp fire. It fits within the genre perfectly. What is the consensus here as to what comprises 'traditional'? a serious question from a newbie here.

My point is that, as a traveller, learning songs from other travellers, around the home fire, with horses and kids around, the original provenance of a song is a complete irrelevance. It is a part of the tradition. It IS a traditional travellers song.
Now as collectors and revivalists one can pontificate as to what is or is not 'traditional'. But the actual communities from whence the material is drawn has its own standard and criterion. Those communities have firmly adopted songs like Sullivan John, 30ft trailer. WE don't care who wrote them, they speak to us, through us, and for us. That's enough. Same as any man on the road. You are taken at face value. Its not relevant where you come from, just where you are going and the route you take.

Fair enough if Brian had a different slant on what comprises traditional. But Different communities have different traditions. Are you talking about Just English Folk? or Irish/ Scottish/as well? Where do Travellers songs fit in? IMO travellers songs cross theses boundaries, just as we do in real life.
Im just suggesting that the definition of 'traditional' differs depending upon the context within which it is discussed.

My Apologies if I am raising old issues that you feel have been done to death previously and feel free to ignore me. I am simply offering a different perspective.