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Thread #109271   Message #2450674
Posted By: Wolfgang
26-Sep-08 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
The following book comes with tunes (if known) and notes and pictures in addition to the lyrics of the songs. Some of the entries are tunes. The order of the tunes and songs is temporal (following the events, and disregarding when they have been penned).


Terry Moylan (Ed.)
The Age of Revolution in the Irish Song Tradition
1776 to 1815

A '98 march
Advice to Paddy
An 'Croppy lie down'
An Gunnadóir Mac Aiodh
An Spailpín Fánach
Arbour Hill
Athchuimhniú at Ninety-Eight
Bagenal Harvey's farwell
Barrosa plains
Bás an Chroppí
Betsy Gray
Billy Byrne of Ballymanus
Bold McDermott Roe
Bold Robert Emmet
Bonaparte's defeat
Bonaparte's farewell
Bonaparte's grand march
Bonaparte's retreat
BualadhRos Mhic Thriúin
By memory inspired
Captain Doorley and the Boyne
Captain Dwyer ("Draw nigh ye sons of liberty...")
Captain Fowler
Cath Béal a' Mhuige Shalaigh
Cockledemoy or the French invasion
Corney is coming
Croppies lie down
Defenders' song
Dialogue between Orange and Croppy
Do as they do in France
Down on your knees
Dublin after the Union
Dunlavin green
Éamonn Paor Baile Uí Gháighín
Edward (not the Child song)
Emmet's farewell
Erin go bray (not: bragh)
Erin the green
Faithless Bony
Fallen Boney
Father Murphy (different from the know Boolavogue song above)
Favourite march of the Irish volunteers
Fireball MacNamara's address to his pistols
Freedom triumphant
General Munroe
General Munroe's lamentation
General wonder
George Reilly who fought at Port Royal Bay
Green upon the cape
he carmagnoles
he glorious exertion of man
Henry Downs
Henry Joy ("An Ulster man I am proud...)
Henry Joy McCracken ("Come all you Belfast people...")
Henry Joy McCracken ("It was on Belast mountain...")
Henry Munroe
Here's a chorus
Hevey's mare
I am Napoleon Bonaparte
Ierne United
In Collon I was taken
Ireland's glory
Jemmy O'Brien's minuet
Kelly of Killann
Lady Connolly
Lament for Father Murphy
Laurel hill
Little Jimmy Murphy
Lord Cornwallis
Madam Bonaparte
Maidin Luan Chincíse
Man is free by nature
McCracken's ghost (It was night when the moon...")
McKenna's dream
Michael Dwyer ("At lenght brave Michael Dwyer...")
Michael Dwyer ("Have you heard of Michael Dwyer...")
Michael Dwyer's lament
Mrs. McGrath
My Emmet's no more
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte's farewell to Paris
Napoleon crosing the Rhine
Napoleon is the boy for kicking up a row
Napoleon's dream
Napoleon's lamentation
Nelson's victory
Ó Bhean an Tí
Oh! Breath not his name
Oliver's advice
Paddy's advice
Paíd O'Donoghue
Plant, plant the tree
Préachan Chill Chainnigh
Ráiteachas na Tairngreacht
Requiem for the Croppies
Rodney's glory
Rody MacCorley ("Ho see the fleet-foot...")
Rody McCorley ("Come tender-hearted Christians...")
Rouse Hibernians
Savourneen Deelish
Scéal do Réab mo Chroí Ionam
She is far from the land
Sliabh na mBan ("eep the great departed...")
Sliabh na mBan (Gaelic)
Slievenamon ("Two thousand men for Ireland...")
Sweet County Wexford
The Ballyshannon lane
The banished defender
The banks of the Nile
The Bantry girl's lament
The battle of Kilcumney
The battle of Vinegar Hill
The Blarismoor tragedy
The bold Belfast shoemaker
The bonny bunch of roses
The bonny light horseman
The boys of Mullaghbawn
The boys of Wexford (a variant to the above with the same chorus but different lyrics after the first verse)
The boys of Wexford
The brothers John and Henry Sheares
The burial of Sir John Moore
The cow ate the piper
The Croppies' march (two different tunes)
The Croppies' march
The Croppy boy ("God men and true in this house...")
The Croppy boy ("It was early, early in the spring...")
The Croppy boy (a tune)
The dead Croppy
The death of Stalker Wallis (two different tunes)
The death of Stalker Wallis
The downfall of Paris
The Dungannon convention
The dying rebel
The Exile of Erin
The exiled Irishman's lamentation
The Frenchmen
The game of cards (not the English of the same title)
The grand conversation on Napoleon
The grand conversation under the rose
The grave of Wolfe Tone
the green cockade
The green flag
The green linet
The groves of Blackpool
The Isle of Saint Helena The Kinnegard slashers
The lamentation of Patrick Brady
The major
The man from God-knows-where
The mantle so green
The memory of the dead
The men of the West
The mountain men
The new Granuwale
The old grey mare
The Orange Yeomanry of '98
The Orangeman's apology
The patriot mother
The pikeman
The plains of Waterloo ("As I roved out on a fine summer's morning...")
The plains of Waterloo ("Come all ye loyal lovers...")
The plains of Waterloo ("It being on the eight of June...")
The plains of Waterloo ("Oh come all you fair young lovers...")
The rambler from Clare
The rebellion of 1798
The repeal of the Union
The rights of man (a song)
The rights of man (a tune)
The rising of the moon
The Rover
The royal eagle
The Salamanca reel
The Saratoga hornpipe
The shamrock cockade
The Shan van Vocht
The sheepfold
The social thistle and the Shamrock
The soldier boy
The song of Prosperous
The song of volunteers
The Spanish volunteer
The swinish multitude
The three flowers
The troubles
The Union is welcome to Ireland
The Union
The wake of William Orr
The wearing of the green ("Farewell I must leave thee...")
The wearing of the green ("O Paddy dear and did you hear...")
The wearing of the green (I met with Napper Tandy...")
The West's aslep
The Wexford insurgent
The wheels of the world
The wind that shakes the barley
The wounded hussar
To your tents o Erins
Twenty men from Dublin town
Unite and be free
Waterloo (tune)
Watty Grimes
When he who adores thee
Whiskey you're the devil
Who killed Cock Robin?
Ye sons of old Ireland