The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22566   Message #245081
Posted By: Wesley S
20-Jun-00 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: So Where IS Your Computer???
Subject: RE: So Where IS Your Computer???
I'm a cube rat at work where I do most of my posting. I share an office with two women - one of them insists on playing something called "Cool Jazz" all day which means I get to hear Kenny G crap. Two large windows to my left that look out on an empty field. Photos in my cube of my wife Bretta of course, my neices in Atlanta and their kids. Also Mississippi John Hurt , the Weavers, my mandolin and guitar, and photos of places I've been to with Bretta - Key West { Honeymoon } , Cancun, Lake Tahoe, New Orleans, San Francisco, Grand Teatons, San Antonio { going there this weekend } ect.

An old mandolin is on the wall in case I get a musical idea or need to practice { all the time}. Also a Winslow Homer print - Hurricane Bahamas. And a picture of the Mandolin Quartet of Ft Worth from 1898.

At home our computer is in the office in the room to the left of the entrance. It looks out on the front yard. Walls are lined with Scandia shelving { the BEST shelving in the world } and it contains about two thousand LP's , uncounted CD's, countless books and bills ect. Also a queen Anne couch , a folding rope chair , my old Fender Champ amp, and one or both cats { Gypsy and Jasmine } trying to crawl into my lap because they can't understand why I would rather type than pet or scratch them behind the ears. Got the picture??