The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114653   Message #2451093
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
26-Sep-08 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: Traditional singers altering songs?
Subject: RE: Traditional singers altering songs?
"'Tradpiper' and 'Romany Man' would be a breath of fresh air if there wasn't the sense of them too being regarded as 'other. ('Your people'??)"

I suspect, 'voxtrad' that you're one of those people (whoops - I've used the 'p' word again!) who is hypersensitive to 'heresy' in others.

The Travellers/Gypsies/Romanies (whichever is the politically correct term)are a distinct group within society and, hence, are 'a people' - and, indisputability, just 'people' (without the indefinite article) as well. As it happens I have no quarrel with them, believe absolutely that they have a right to exist and to fulfil their own destiny and deplore the prejudice all too often displayed against them.

'tradpiper' and 'romany man' have made no secret of the fact that they are members of the travelling community and I welcome their contributions to this debate. I happen to be very interested in hearing what they have to say.

Now I'll shut up, let them and others get on with it, and look forward to the day when we can all embrace and celebrate difference without having to explain and/or justify ourselves.