The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114763   Message #2451477
Posted By: Bobert
27-Sep-08 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Debates
Subject: RE: BS: The Debates
Well, I had a gig last night but it was over right as the debates were beginning so I missed the first 12 or so minutes but listened to it on the car radio and then on the TV when I got home and my impression is that it didn't change too many minds... Those who support McCain probably think he did better and those, like myself, who support Obama think he did better but...

...with that said, I was surprised to read this morning that polls indicate that Obama won the debate...

I was glad to hear Obama say several times "That's not true, John"... I considered those counterpunches to be body shots that may not look impressive but take a slow toll... I hope Obama will continue to use that phrase in future debates... It's a polite way of calling McCain on his obvious lies...

Now for the fun debate: Biden v. Ms. Sarah!!! Yazzir, that one is gonna be fun to watch...
