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Thread #114763   Message #2451598
Posted By: freda underhill
27-Sep-08 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Debates
Subject: RE: BS: The Debates
This article in the washington post is interesting. It analyses misleading "assertions" made by both candidates in the debate, and gives the facts on events referred to.

For example:

10:20 p.m.
McCain seriously mistated his vote concerning the marines in Lebanon. He said that when he went into Congress in 1983, he voted against deploying them in Beirut. The Marines went in Lebanon in 1982, before McCain came to Congress. The vote came up a year into their deployment, when the Marines had already suffered 54 casualties. What McCain voted against was a measure to invoke the War Powers Act and to authorize the deployment of U.S. Marines in Lebanon for an additional 18 months. The measure passed 270-161, with 26 other Republicans (including McCain) and 134 Democrats voting against it.


10:29 p.m.
On Afghanistan, Obama once again twisted McCain's words when he said, "at one point, while you were focused on Iraq, you said, well, we can muddle through Afghanistan."

That was a reference to comments McCain made in 2003 in which the Arizona senator expressed concern, but cautious optimism, about the long-term prospects of Afghanistan. "I believe that if Karzai can make the progress that he is making, that - in the long term, we may muddle through in Afghanistan," McCain said.
--Michael Abramowitz