The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114451   Message #2453117
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-Sep-08 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Accountability in September -keep going!
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability in September -keep going!
BTW, that ten minutes on the treadmill is a real accomplishment: enough time has elapsed since I did it that I know now that I have developed the muscles, metabolism, and bone density to do it with no afterpain. New shoes along the way with special shock-absorption helped too. And that means I can do more.

It also means that I can accept Hardi's nightly invite to go TM while he skis-- which we have been wanting to do in tandem for...... when did I get that TM?..... since May of 2007.

So when I say that things may take some time-- well, I really DID learn eveything I know, the hard way. Despite illnesses, injuries, strokes, and the vagaries of clergy-life-schedules-- it can be done.

So, everyone else-- HANG IN THERE.

Tonight, aquarunning. And more TM when we get back.
