The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22585   Message #245378
Posted By: GUEST,Dave the gnome
21-Jun-00 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Help: Monthelawn???
Subject: Monthelawn???
I heard on UK radio yesterday afternnon that the official term for a mis-heard song lyric is a 'monthelawn' or 'mondelorn' or some such spelling. The reason being that a well known song in folk clubs in the 50's (before my time I hasten to add:-) contained the lyric 'They slew the Earl of Islay and laid him on the lawn.' This became corrupted through mis-interpreation as 'They slew the Earl of Islay and Lady Monthelawn...' The term then apparantly crept into common usage.

Can anyone confirm or deny this or even provide the original lyrics and, better still, tune.


DaveP The gnome of Swinton folk club <|;-)