The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111584   Message #2454448
Posted By: Barry Finn
30-Sep-08 - 11:47 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatters @ Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Fest
Subject: RE: Mudcatters @ Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Fest
It was a great festival, not at all dampened by the wettish weather. Tom, Linn & Barbara & all the others envolved you did a wonderful job. The worksohps & conerts that I attended were very well done, espically liked Barbara's Bethel. It was a matter of not being able to be in 2 & 3 places at the same time. The session at the Press Room, though packed was roof raising. My only thoughts on that would be that there were many great singers that either came from far away or don't often make it as often as many of the regular locals & that they were not heard from enough nor were they invited to bring there songs forth, an oversite that I hope never gets repeated. The locals get to sing plenty & they did, they should be more inviting to their guests & more willing to sit out in favor of those that came the distance. Many good singers got to sing only once while some locals got to toss about 3 or 4 times, they were the guest, they should feel the need to jump in at a venue that's not in there terrority, they should be invited. I'll catch flack for this but it's said & done with, bite me. OK, I'm done with that one slight oversite, I'll move on with my head covered. Thanks to those that squared away the last minute hussle for the rain change venues & the concert hall venue. The concert hall ended up to be filled beyond capacity, better than expected I imagine & it was a good show to, Jerry Bryant did a fine job closing the house. As for us (Finn & Haddie) it was an honor & an extreme pleasure to perform at the festival, we hope that we were enjoyed half as much as we enjoyed our selves. I'm sure that the 10th will go beyond this one but I can't see how but I won't miss that one either.
Thanks again to all who came, performed & helped out

If anyone wants to slap me upside the head don't do it here, meet me in an alley.