The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114896   Message #2455309
Posted By: Rapparee
01-Oct-08 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jury Duty
Subject: RE: BS: Jury Duty
I was called three years ago and I'm eligible once again. IF I have been empaneled it would have been a child sexual abuse case. It's just as well that I was excused...and the guy was found guilty without me.

I wore a navy blue blazer, khaki pants, shirt, tie -- out of respect for the Court. I was the only one so dressed.

What really pissed me off was those who were dismissed on "religious" grounds. One man said, and I believe his was sincere, that his religious beliefs would not permit him to judge another, that that was reserved only to God. He was dismissed, and immediately at least a half dozen others copped the same plea. I felt and feel that the judge knew that they were faking it, but he had to let them go.