The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114788   Message #2456223
Posted By: GUEST, Sminky
03-Oct-08 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: not bad for an englishman
Subject: RE: not bad for an englishman
There seems to be an awful lot of different 'races' springing up all of a sudden. I wasn't aware that the Irish were from a different 'race' to me, an englishman. Different nation, sure, same as the French, Germans, Australians etc, but different 'race'? Says who? By what criteria?

Is 'not bad for a Lancastrian' racist?
Is 'not bad for a Prestonian' racist?
Is 'not bad for someone from Beesley Street' racist?
Is 'not bad for someone from no.24' racist?

Where does all this end? And who are the people trying to separate everyone into little racial packages? Is that not itself a racist act?

To be told 'not bad for an englishman' by an Irish person, even if intended to be insulting, may be nationalistic prejudice, and should be condemned as such, but it ain't racism.