The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114852   Message #2456392
Posted By: MAG
03-Oct-08 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: October Seasonal de-clutter BIG push
Subject: RE: BS: October Seasonal de-clutter BIG push
There were summer clothes I could not find all summer. I've got to get a better handle on all this.

Carport is a mess; guess I should put that on my list.

Two of the kittens will let me stroke them while they're eating, until they notice. Their mother appeared briefly two days ago; I hope she is not off having more kittens.

I gather from the catthread y'all are not enamored of simple names. For the sake of ease, "mine" have temporary names of White Nose, chin Spot, and Gray Face.

I suppose I should be more worried about the probably layoff come 1/1/09. My boss is such a witch I almost look forward to it. No money should cure that.