The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22462   Message #245739
Posted By: bob jr
22-Jun-00 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Spanish Is the Loving Tongue
ah shucks folks i dont get bent out of shape that easily when i tried to find out who "wrote" the song it was listed as trad which could mean one of two things 1)whoever wrote didnt bother to copyright it 2)maybe its an amalgamtion of other trad songs or melodies? who knows i didnt realize that nobody knew ronnie gilbert i mean i am no expert (hence i ask lots of pretty dumb questions i reckon) but i even knew who she was (is i dont even know if she is dead !) but i guess maybe she aint so well known after all i guess i should have called the link SPANISH IS THE LOVING TONGUE NOT BY A BADGER which would have confused things and yes yiddish is the kvelling tongue