The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22279   Message #245832
Posted By: GUEST,Jeremy
22-Jun-00 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: English Tradition, part two
Subject: RE: English Tradition, part two
Just finished reading this thread and would like to reply to Gervase who described the malaise affecting the English folk-singing-in-pubs scene very succinctly. To give him some hope, I can advise that there is a fortnightly session held in pubs in West Kent by The Travelling Folk where folksong/music is brought out to the public rather hiding it away in upstairs rooms.

The Travelling Folk is a moveable folk session which only performs in the pub bar. The usual formula is for an MC to direct proceeding in a subtle way and to try to get the locals to join in or contribute a joke, story or a song. Anything can happen .. even Elvis Presley take-offs. Chorus songs are interspersed with ballads and music sessions and the main emphasis is to get the public joining in. No entrance fee is charged (of course) but if all goes well the publican passes the jug of beer around and a collection may be taken for charity.

Different pubs are visited so that a pub only gets a couple of visits a year. The session frequently gets local billing in the pub or newspaper and are well attended. All musicians and singers are most welcome.

The next few dates are as follows:

12/7 The Black Horse, Stanstead, Wrotham, Kent 14-16/7 The Bull's Head, Boreham Street,Hailsham,E Sussex (Camping weekend at a great country pub) 7/9 George & Dragon, Tudeley, Tonbridge, Kent

Look at Folk London's gig guide for later listings