The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115022   Message #2458381
Posted By: Donuel
06-Oct-08 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Economy for Dummies
Subject: BS: The Economy for Dummies
To start, I will be very fundamental (fundamental means basic - it does not mean People.

Business is the business of making profits.

The Government is like a big Cop and Court.

Business does not like to obey the law when stealing makes more profits.

Business says Government is big and bad. Business tries to buy influence to hinder the Cops and the Courts as well as take the laws off the books called deregulation. Deregulate the big Cop and Court and the crooks are free to take whatever they want because they made it legal to break the law.

Business buys think tanks, media, politicians and people to 'influence' and lobby poiticians, all to make legal any crime that makes a profit.