The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114852   Message #2458430
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-Oct-08 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: October Seasonal de-clutter BIG push
Subject: RE: BS: October Seasonal de-clutter BIG push
That sounds about the range I would expect, a buck or two per hankie. Thanks for the offer--let me know what you find and we can see if it is worth making the round trip by mail. And that is a good idea to check antique shops. (My drawer supply is down and I have to wash them again in the next load of laundry).

I hung my laundry out to dry yesterday and probably got the last line dried load for a while. We have rain predicted for all day today and I'm not sure how long it will stick around. I went out to retrieve it and realized that the loud barking from the catahoula earlier in the evening had had a meaning--she was telling on the pit bull who had found a sock on the ground. They have been so good about leaving the hanging laundry alone, but apparently if it hits the ground, that's different. I think this must have been stuck in the corner of a bottom fitted sheet and dropped out in the breeze.

It was so funny--I picked up the mangled sock and looked at the dogs. Poppy, the catahoula, was just sitting there looking friendly and virtuous. Cinnamon, the Am. Staffordshire Terrier hit her belly about 15 feet out and did the cutest commando crawl over to me, wagging and gamboling and transmitting the message "aren't I just the cutest thing you've ever seen and you aren't REALLY going to hold it against me that I played with that sock and you still love me, don't you?" wag wag and she crawled around. It was such a hoot. Talk about giving herself away with her body language. I did my "bad dog" voice and wagged the sock at her so she moved away, and before I fed them I dropped the sock on the porch. She saw it and stayed away until I picked it up and tucked it away. I didn't want to confuse the good food behavior with the little laundry problem, but she knows this wasn't what she was supposed to do (but I bet she was a cutie as she tore up that sock--such doggie glee at finding a new toy!)

Aren't I like the classic parent, hiding my amusement by a hand covering my mouth so I don't give mixed signals.