The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115011   Message #2458767
Posted By: Nancy King
06-Oct-08 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: FSGW 2008 Getaway Pix & videos
Subject: RE: FSGW 2008 Getaway Pix
Thanks for the pix, Vince! I submitted a few "suggested captions" -- I guess Vince has to do something in his software for them to appear. Just tried to identify some of the individuals. Hopefully you can see what a fine time we all had, and what a beautiful spot West River is. Start planning NOW to come next year! That's October 2-5, 2009!

Mike, the Moose Turd Pie group consisted of all of the Getaway attendees among the many people involved in a project making a CD of various people singing Utah Phillips' songs, with all profits to go to Utah's widow, Joanna. I think there are about 28 tracks so far, with some very big names among them. Should be released in the spring, I think. Dan Schatz and Jacqui Morse are the movers and shakers on this project, so you could PM either of them for more details. At the Getaway concert they did Utah's song, "Singing Through the Hard Times." If you don't get the "Moose Turd Pie" reference, you need to bone up on your Utah Phillips lore.

A wonderful Getaway indeed!
