The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115022   Message #2458867
Posted By: Donuel
06-Oct-08 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Economy for Dummies
Subject: RE: BS: The Economy for Dummies
Carol is right, the money that was lost was like the money you hope to get if the roulette wheel lands on black 13 but there is also the real money that went to place the bet and gets raked into the casino.

Those chips raked into the hole in the roulette table did go to CEOs and other upstanding members of the mob.

Do these guys want to pay capital gains tax? Hell no.
Now they say it may be unpatriotic for the rich to pay any tax.

What has happend is that the Government which are the cops and courts and the gambling mob with their protection racket have become one big happy family.
Government has been effectively marginalized, broken up like FEMA and the experienced Congressional staff decimated, Evangelical graduates politically appointed to the Justice Dept and arguably the Supreme Court.

In Washington a Christian Prayer Breakfast Club meeting can have weapon manufactures, CIA, Investment Bankers, Rand Coproration and other invisible hand holders of great capitol all at the same table;
To do what? To decide what candidate they want to see represent the executive branch of the United States. Their business credo is "A competant smart politician is the most dangerous person in America".

They want the dumbest most incompetant stooges to leave the "mob" alone.