The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115019   Message #2459236
Posted By: lady penelope
07-Oct-08 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ralph/Raife
Subject: RE: BS: Ralph/Raife
Mmm, this is something that's always bugged me. If it's Raif then why can't they spell it that way? And if Colin Powell wants me to call him 'Kohlin' then why can't he change the spelling??? There are accepted phonetic values to letters and groups of letters, if you want your name to sound a paticular way there is nothing to stop you from using the approriate groups of letters! Or is it more enjoyable to whine every time someone mispronounces your name becaues, well gosh, they've said it the way it's spelled??

My name is a case in point. It's pronounced (currently) Pehnehlowpee. But you'd be accurate pronouncing it Pennyloap - if it were an even vaguely english word instead of greek. Many people do call me that - well, when they find out that that's my full name (it's amazing how many people think I'm named after a coin....), but still it's no reason to stamp my feet and whinge on about people getting it wrong.

As for stuff like Sinjin (Saint John) that's sheer lazyness of pronunciation, it's literally the two words slurred together. Sinclair's the same (Saint Clair). As for Fanshaw (Feather-stone-haugh) how the snetting heck did that happen??? And Chomoldeley, how on earth does that work out as Chumley????

Urrgh...I think I should go away and lie down till the red mist fades....