The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115039   Message #2459332
Posted By: Aeola
07-Oct-08 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: Shrewsbury Festival - How disappointing
Subject: RE: Shrewsbury Festival - How disappointing
Raising the stage is more feasible than the seating, and yes, the sound in the main marquee was not good all the time. Strikes me that if it can be good some of the time and not at other times maybe there is some problem with set up etc, whoever is doing it. However I have noticed this 'phenomena' at other Fests where artists insist on their own sound men.Maybe there could be some sort of liaison between the 'on-site sound man' and the 'visiting sound man'.After all it's the punter who is paying!! I also noticed that the sound from the Main Marquee ssounded infinitely better as you walked towards the food area!! Generally I really enjoyed the Festival!& will be there next year!