The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115011   Message #2459559
Posted By: Tinker
07-Oct-08 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: FSGW 2008 Getaway Pix & videos
Subject: RE: FSGW 2008 Getaway Pix
Genie, there was a 're-cap' blues memorializing the event at the end of the blues jam.

As for some of the footage .... well I'm definately on the limited distribution side (hmmmm... )

Check this site Yes DVD and see if they have a location near you. It's a pretty painless process if you can burn it on a CD they will clean it up and I'll happily pay for a copy. And if you then destroy the original....

As for uplifting moments, I'd add Marion's song about the The cellist of Sarajevo it was a shining moment at the concert Saturday night. Girl, both your song writing and delivery have grown amazingly. It was good to see you again.