The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115011   Message #2459779
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
07-Oct-08 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: FSGW 2008 Getaway Pix & videos
Subject: RE: FSGW 2008 Getaway Pix
Well, I don't think there was anything offensive in my song, do you? In fact, I had planned on singing it next year at the Getaway.

And as for drinking, I don't recall anyone drinking in my presence. That doesn't mean they didn't have a fifth of Old Slapentickle stashed in their Rav 4. Oh no, I believe everyone conducted themselves in a manner both fitting and proper, considering the circumstances. As to the Blues Jamboree, everybody was actually DANCING and SINGING and LAUGHING, activities which I believe even Methodists condone, and one in which I will continue to indulge with enthusiasm until I physically can't.

No one hurt or insulted anyone, no one damaged anything, everyone had fun, no one that I saw was out of control or dangerous, and people were both courteous and kind to one another. Those are the important things in my mind. Many of us who had a ton of fun at the Peace Lodge until 5 am, were in the Gospel Sing at 10:30 am singing Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb, and back at the rowdy fun in Bobert's Blues Session at 3 pm.

As the happy stall-occupier in Mick's story said, "Hallelujah!"