The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115003   Message #2460298
Posted By: GUEST,Jim
08-Oct-08 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Studio 360 segment: right-wing folk
Subject: RE: Studio 360 segment: right-wing folk
John Ross said,"And it must be said that they didn't have a monopoly on heavy-handed, beat-the-audience-over-the-head topical songs. The ones we remember are the good ones, written and performed by singer-songwriters like Phil Ochs and Len Chandler who had talent and skill. Plenty of others by people on the left were just as bad as the conservative songs included in the radio piece. And like the right-wing groups, the people who sang bad left-wing songs never had significant record contracts."

Could he have been thinking of Barry McGuire's Eve Of Destruction?