The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115114   Message #2461683
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Oct-08 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Financial Crisis Explained
Subject: RE: BS: Financial Crisis Explained
It was made in England for an English audience. That's a very different cultural situation. They too have kneejerk reactions to specific racial and social issues that arouse deep fear in them, but those are not the same issues which would arouse deep fear in your average American.

Had it been made in the USA by American comedians, they would, of course have made sure not to mention the ethnicity of the hypothetical Black man in Alabama. They would have made him a dumb White redneck instead. It's okay to make fun of dumb White rednecks in America.

For example: Go to "Red State Update" on Youtube for the latest laughs based on the activities and opinions of dumb White rednecks. ;-) Quite funny. But you will certainly NOT find a similar satirical political satire show using stereotyped dumb Native Americans or Blacks. Uh-uh. That would be racist!

There are some people you can safely stereotype or ridicule any time you want in most societies, while there are others who are untouchable. It's imperative to know the rules to how that works in YOUR society or you can get in a shitload of trouble right fast!

In America...just please restrict your stereotyping and ridicule to only the following types and you will be on safe ground:

1. dumb White men
2. dumb married White men especially!
3. liberals (White liberals, I mean)
4. right wingers (White again)
5. lawyers (always a great target!)
6. bankers
7. politicians
8. people in the other political party
9. telemarketers
10. horny young White males

* You ARE allowed to ridicule and stereotype a female too on rare occasions...but ONLY if she is a candidate (like Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin)...or a rich entertainment business ditz like Britney Spears...or a political advocate for the OTHER party! You can ridicule and stereotype them any time you want.

Otherwise....hands OFF the ladies, you rotten sexists!