The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2461909
Posted By: WalkaboutsVerse
10-Oct-08 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
IB - that was info. on the recorder that I DID know of, from the reading I did before finally making it my instrument of choice.
And on that myspace blog, I do indeed keep that original message there, and vary the "MONTHLY MESSAGE".
"Back to the 5000 Morris Dancers - I hear the Morris Federation and the Ring are stock piling bells. Are they trying to corner the market before the Olympic organisers realise they need bells for their 5000 dancers? Or do they know that Gordon Brown is to declare that bells instead of pounds sterling is to be our new currency in a last ditch attempt to resolve the current financial crisis?" (Neova)...well, one thing from IB that WAS new to me, Neova, is that, according to Wiki., England's National Musical Instrumnet is the bell (see thread above, of same name).
Joseph - I heard, and mentioned above, that different ceremonial venues around London are planned for: so hopefully that will give a guernsey to more than one form of Morris.