The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115155   Message #2462741
Posted By: Joe_F
10-Oct-08 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Songs About Money
Subject: RE: Songs About Money
...Say, don't you remember, I'm your pal.
Brother, can you spare a dime? -- Yip Harburg

...It's mighty strange, without a doubt:
Nobody knows you when you're down and out. --Jimmy Cox

Good businessmen have often said,
Always trim your costs if you're in the red.
Well, come shake hands with an overhead:
I'm in the sidings now.
If your money-tree will bear no fruit,
Never blame the man who tends the root,
But take out your knife to the tender shoot:
I'm in the sidings now. --Cyril Tawney

So ein Mensch braucht zuviel Fressen
Dadurch wird der Mensch teurer,
Um das Fressen to schaffen, brauch man Menschen.
Die Koeche machen das Essen billiger, aber
Die Esser machen es teurer.
Es gibt ueberhaupt zuwenig Menschen.
Was is eigentlich ein Mensch?
Weiss ich, was ein Mensch ist?
Weiss ich, wer da weiss!
Ich weiss nicht, was ein Mensch ist.
Ich kenne nur seinen Preis.

(If a human being needs too much to eat, that makes the human being more expensive. To produce food, one needs human beings. The cooks make food cheaper, but the eaters make it more expensive. There are altogether too few human beings. What, essentially, is a human being? Do I know what a human being is? I know who knows! I don't know what a human being is. I just know its price. -- Bertolt Brecht, "A Song about Goods")

I don't know if Clough's "Spectator ab Extra" has been set to music, but it ought to be:

They may talk all they please about what they call pelf,
And how one ought never to think of one's self,
How the pleasures of thought surpass eating and drinking,--
My pleasure of thought is the pleasure of thinking
How pleasant it is to have money, heigh-ho!
How pleasant it is to have money.
. . .
As for that, pass the bottle, and d--n the expense,
I've seen in observed by a writer of sense,
That the laboring classes could scarce live a day,
If people like us didn't eat, drink, and pay.
So useful it is to have money, heigh-ho!
So useful it is to have money.