The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114852   Message #2463452
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
12-Oct-08 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: October Seasonal de-clutter BIG push
Subject: RE: BS: October Seasonal de-clutter BIG push
I'm in a state of shock. I knew our front room carpet hadn't been properly cleaned for a couple of years (the carpet washer I used to borrow got 'lost' in a divorce), only lightly steamed over which didn't exactly remove much dirt as 'set' the rest in, but I was totally gobsmacked at the colour of the dirty water tank in my new carpet washer. Yes, I finally bit the bullet and bought my own. It's a pretty sage green and I can't believe how sad I am for gettng so excited over its arrival!

Anniehoo.... the front room carpet has been mostly cleaned and in my grandmothers' pet phrase ''ee can see where I've been you'. Whilst waiting for the bits to dry, Limpit and I decluttered the rest of the room with the result that the toy cupboard is empty and the dustbin is full. Regretably, none of it was in much of a state to gift on, and what there was has been reclaimed by said Limpit or snuck back into the cupboard!

I rediscovered a few 'treasures' and disposed of a lot of junk... I may even have a clear table top by the end of today, which is good because the fruit bowl is under it at the moment and I'm missing my daily plums.

It's also much warmer because there isn't a pile of boxes and a table full of junk blocking the radiator! Mind you, the cats are not happy, the radiator is under the window and they used to love sitting on the table (in anything ON it) in the warm and looking out.

I'm sure this cleaning fit will not last til I've finished this room, it tends to fizzle out about 3/4s round - so there's enough to do to make it daunting but not enough so I can leave it. Ho hum... but I do so love my new carpet washer :D !