The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115247   Message #2464947
Posted By: catspaw49
13-Oct-08 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did you ever . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Did you ever . . .
That's because Cayenne ain't jacksquat Hawk.

I used to keep assorted bottles of various pepper sauces including one unbelievably hot killer called "Endorphin Rush." Its made by the same folks who make Dave's Insanity Sauce but is even hotter. I had both which are Habenero based and also several others of the Thai variety. Our teen foster kids used to occasionally trick someone with a tad on a sandwich. I have a zillion tales but this one is priceless.

A friend, Jimmy, is spending the night prior to going to a Basketball Camp quite early the next morning. The group of about 7 are goofing off in the kitchen and doing dares with the sauce. I walk in to find them all drinking milk and eating crackers and laughing trying to kill the burn. We all laugh and I suggest they turn in as its late and all. They do in various rooms, beds, sleeping bags, etc. I go to the big den to watch TV.

About an hour or more later I head for the kitchen and realize someone is taking a shower. I knock and inquire as I pass the bathroom and Jimmy says its him. I can't figure why he's showering that late at night but I soon find out. Jimmy was like one of our own and comes out wrapped in a towel and asks what will get the hot sauce off his skin because it burns really bad. I tell him the only thing I know is soap and more soap. I asked if it was his face or eyes and he said was worse. The kid had scratched his balls and he was hurtin'!!!

That was probably 15 years ago and we saw Jimmy and his wife and kids a few weeks ago and he reminded US about it. I guess both of us have gotten some mileage out of that night......just a lot less painfully for me.
