The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115290   Message #2466361
Posted By: Wrinkles
15-Oct-08 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Anger over La Cucaracha
Subject: Anger over La Cucaracha
Posted from Ananova.

Parents are fuming after education chiefs introduced a school music
book that included a traditional Spanish song about smoking cannabis.

La Cucaracha - popular in the Mexican civil war - is about a cockroach
that can't walk because of all the marijuana it has smoked.

But a scandal has broken out in Bosnia and Herzegovina after a new
educational book distributed to primary schools gave a full
translation of the lyrics.

Parents have demanded the Federal Ministry of Education, which
approved the book by Refik Hodzic, recall it immediately and have
slammed the decision to send it out to schools as "ridiculous".

Mum Sanya Bolic, 38, from Sarajevo, whose nine year-old son told her
about the book, said: "I could not believe it when I found out about

"The last thing I want my son learning about in primary school is
drugs. Whoever made the ridiculous decision to put this book in
schools must have been out of their head themselves."