The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114994   Message #2466524
Posted By: GUEST,tom t
15-Oct-08 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: Tech: mumbo jumbo guitars
Subject: RE: Tech: mumbo jumbo guitars
I talked to a guy who owns one and has played for a year or so. Loved it. Says he still can't believe the price. His finish is a bit rough, but overall said it looks great/sounds great. He did say the electronics were so-so. Nothing much. He was replacing them. I went ahead and order one based on that conversation. Should be here in Nov. I will let you know. Feel free to email be in mid Nov.I will give you honest feedback. I sold a couple old imports to buy this one. So I had nothing to loose. Funny thing is the address in a hobby shop. Also sell model trains etc, so I assume they are just importing from China. So it could go either way. I have had some upright basses made in china that were fairly nice for the price. I have also had some complete garbage. So.. we shall see. There customer service is very responsive. They set it up to your specs (I am told) so they must have a qualified luthier on hand. The website says these prices won't last.. but they have already lasted quite a while.

If it sounds to good to be true, it likely is.