The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115201   Message #2466577
Posted By: wayfarer
15-Oct-08 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: Review: Sleepy John Estes
Subject: RE: Review: Sleepy John Estes
Great clips, thanks for that, olddude.

I first discovered Sleepy John some years ago when I picked up Taj Mahal's first album and there were a couple of tunes on there, "Leavin' Trunk" & "Diving Duck," I believe. This was something different than what I'd been listening to, mostly Chicago blues and Delta blues, at that time. Perhaps a unique Memphis thing, kinda like Lighting Hopkins having that unique Texas style about his music. Not sure if it's a rhythm thing or what, but I really liked it.

Also, an interesting aside. Peter Case's latest CD is entitled "Let Us Now Praise Sleepy John." Turns out it's mostly new original tunes rather than covers but the spirit ( mostly unaccompanied vocals and guitar) is in keeping with the music of Sleepy John.

For what it's worth, and in the spirit of keeping ole Sleepy John's music alive, here is my version of Sleepy John's ( with obvious kudos to Taj ) "Leavin' Trunk Blues"

Leavin' Trunk