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Thread #115250   Message #2466853
Posted By: Barry Finn
15-Oct-08 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
I agree that Captialism is fine when combined & balanced with Socialism but Captialism fails when it produces an empty air bubble. When it manufactures less & makes more, that bubble bursts & that is why we need to regulate & why Ronnie R wanted to deregulate. To deregulae those that produce nothing is to off set the labor of those that do produce. A company that trades in an inflated air bubble (ex: Enron) will evenually go burst/broke, as will a Street load of vendors that sell nothing back & forth on capatial that they don't own in the 1st place. The credit bubble finally couldn't float anymore but it's not because Capatialism wasn't working & it wasn't because Socialism was disappearing, it's because we/they choose to let the finanical industry manage itself, the foxes were put in charge of the chicken coop & instaed of producing eggs, poultry, chicken fertializer the foxes instead traded the goods produced for a feast & left behind only the chicken gas.

Now if anyone donesn't like the system & there's lot's to not like about it, go out & change it. The system allows for it's self to be changed. Either that or revolt, it does allow for that too. But to spit on it as a whole doesn't do anyone any good. If you want some changes now is as good a time as I've seen since the 60's to make that come about, unless MaCain & Payin gets elected. Now's the time to speak, now's the time to fight to get your civil & human rights that were lost back, now's the time to take it to the streets.
I did my fighting & it cost me dearly, I won't be in the front lines again but I will back a movement that fights for a better way of life for all that live here.
Opp's the debate, bye-byee
